How to 'Generate Thickness' using the Joint Push & Pull Tool Plugin | Sketchup

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How to Generate Thickness using the Joint Push Pull Tool in Sketchup

Now considering that you have only the trial version of clothworks, additional features like generating thickness etc. will be unavailable to you, and we know just how frustrating that can be while modeling unconventional shapes in Sketchup. 

In this blog, we illustrate an alternate method to generate thickness using the joint push pull tool in Sketchup.

Joint Push Pull Tool Plugin

Joint Push Pull is an extension from Fredo6 that contains a number of tools to expand the face extrusion functions in SketchUp. Practically, this means that you can now push pull multiple and curved surfaces within SketchUp.

Here is the link to download the plugin

So let’s Begin !  

1. Set up your cloth material

Start by putting the fabric or material you want to use into a group. Additionally, you can make a group of the surface you want the material to collide with.

Create cloth using clothworks plugin | Sketchup

2. Run Simulation

Run simulation by clicking on the play icon in the clothworks tool bar, once the simulation is complete > click stop 

3. Use the Joint Push Pull Tool

Use the join push pull tool > Select surface to push up by going into the group> Move up by few mm > Click outside the group

Create cloth using clothworks plugin | Sketchup

And just like that, you’ve generated thickness for your fabric material 

Surface thickness created | Joint Pull and Pull Plugin | Sketchup

We hope you found this plugin tip useful. If you would like more such tips and tricks to gain better control of your modeling, head on over to our website 

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